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Grief Healing Retreat

November 11, 2024 - November 13, 2024

A three-day’s journey into hope and renewal

Are you on the challenging path of grief over an important loss and seeking help and healing? Have you unexpectedly found yourself in an overwhelming experience due to the loss of a loved one or a situation that was familiar for a longtime? Are you struggling with feelings of helplessness and loneliness? Have you pushed your emotions away to survive? Are you balancing between light and hopelessness about the future?

Then we invite you to step into a compassionate and caring space where room is made for processing and redemption. Maybe you will for the first time in your life be able to really grieve. Together with a supportive community you will have the opportunity to give meaning to what happened. This retreat is a unique opportunity to find comfort, understanding and the strength to take the next step in your life.

You will acquire coping mechanisms that will help you regain your strength. The intensive mental, emotional and spiritual support from two experienced counselors will help you cross the bridge of fear and sadness and return to a life of balance, peace and love for yourself. We take your individual needs into account depending on the phase of processing loss.

Embark on a transformative journey of healing at the Grief Healing Retreat. Let this retreat be a sanctuary where grief transforms into hope, and hearts find renewal.

For whom

This seminar is intended for anyone going through an experience of loss of health, a deceased person, a partner due to divorce or other life circumstances. If you feel like you don’t know how to organize your life from now on, this retreat will be a great help.

If you are motivated to

  • explore the relationship with the person who is passed away
  • deal with your overwhelming emotions
  • experience a deep body – mind – spirit approach
  • want to create a new more optimistic outlook onto your life
  • digest other losses you didn´t integrate in your life
  • build connections that last beyond the retreat.

Then, this retreat is for you.


We offer a 3 days process adapted to the needs of the individual participants and the group as a whole.

The main techniques we use in this workshop are:

  • Group process work & peer resourcing
  • Understanding the inner dynamic of dealing with loss
  • Systemic constellations
  • Chinese medicine techniques
  • EMDR and EFT
  • Bodywork & reiki & energy healing
  • Guided meditation
  • Cermonies & Rituals
  • Self-care techniques
  • Breath ceremony

Stephany and Jan are both experienced and empathetic facilitators & healers that offer you a safe space for sharing, releasing unexpressed pain and resourcing. The program exists 100% out of healing and energizing experiences, involving head, heart, body and spirit.

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Stephanie and Jan are both experienced coaches & healers that offer you first of all a safe space for sharing, releasing tension and resourcing. The program exists 100% out of healing and energizing experiences, involving head, heart, body and spirit. You will work both inside and outside in nature.

Jan Mouton has been a coach in organizations for 23 years and a body-oriented trauma therapist for about 10 years. All his life he have invested in personal development. In his long search for healing from his own deep personal traumas, he discovered body-centered trauma therapy. This totally changed his outlook on counseling. He regained his mental health and vitality by paying attention to what was stuck in his body. This is how he experimentally discovered methods that really work.

After this life-changing experience, he trained himself in various approaches to body and spiritual therapy and became a trauma therapist. His main education is: NLP, Appreciative inquiry, shamanism, trauma breathwork, life & business coaching, systemic constellations, Myofascial Energetic Release, Reiki, Neo Reichean Bodywork, Brainspotting, EMDR, EFT.

It became his life mission to help people dare to share their vulnerability, overcome their personal blockages and thus find strength and love back in their lives. In this way he have been able to help some thousands of people to regain their emotional freedom.

More on the work of Jan on: 



“Emotions can be coached/treated as a symptom, there doesn’t always have to be a story.”

Stephanie is 44 years old, has 3 daughters and lives near Cologne. She was challenged in her life by painful changes – and losses. That has given her extra motivation to focus precisely on these subjects. She believes it is possible to let go of the pain behind loss and heal through a blend of powerful scientifically recognized methods and spirituality.

Stephanie is founder of the KOR Keys of Resonance Academy. For over 20 years she has supported individuals and groups in coping with change and loss. She helps her clients to get back into a holistic flow. Stephanie is trained in various methods such as systemic family constellations, grief processing, EMDR, Somatic Experience, Hypnosis, KOR Systemic, PCC, NLP, Mind Mirror, equine coaching, Reiki, chakra healing, emotional first aid, grief processing, business heritage analysis and much more. Lake.

Stephanie’s goal is to touch people’s hearts. She helps her clients reconnect to their inner core of love through a restored systemic connection.

More on the work of Stephanie on:


What participanten say about Stephanie and Jan:

About Stephanie and Jan:

“With their expertise and a warm heart, Stephanie and Jan offer a clear, safe framework to explore yourself in peace and quietness and to take a new step in your life. The power of the group is an enormous added value: because you go into depth together, you quickly get to know each other, making room for someone else to encounter yourself. After I left I missed the group almost immediately – it exceeded my expectations.”

About Stephanie

“Stephanie Gotthardt manages to see people in their environment and to give lasting healing impulses. So far there hasn’t been a topic that was out of place for her. She brings body, soul and family into harmony. Stephanie is a gift from the universe.”

„Stephanie Gotthardt is a embodied lightend angel when you are in grief, who is able to bring you back to your own light of life.“

About Jan:

“It’s hard to explain what Jan Mouton does exactly, but the bottom line is that he helps you to reconnect with yourself. Something is wringing, you lose energy, you are always sick or tired, you are stuck and can’t get out of your head,… In a time when you become so quickly disconnected from yourself, Jan is an incredibly generous and generous guide who you help loosen what is stuck.”

“Wow Jan! Thank you again for this ‘liberating’ journey and magical experience. You’re doing great!”


  • Monday 11th november – Wednesday 13th november  2024


Total price for the retreat (workshop + stay at the Heerlijckyt) incl VAT is:

  • single kamer (1p): € 1.490,00
  • medium room (1p): € 1.530,00
  • medium room (2p): € 1.425,00
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Over je verblijf op de Heerlijckyt

Je verblijft in een kasteeldomein omgeven door 30 ha natuur. Je kan er tussen je opleiding of workshop door wandelen, genieten aan de vijver of je energie opladen aan oeroude bomen en krachtplekken. Breng dus zeker je wandelschoenen mee.

Je verblijf is inclusief:

  • alle Heerlijcke maaltijden
  • doorlopend koffie, thee, levend water, frisdranken, versnaperingen, huisgemaakte vieruurtjes
  • overnachting in stijlvolle kamer.

Graag langer blijven of vroeger komen? 

Dat kan voor eigen rekening. Reservatie via de Heerlijckyt van Elsmeren.


November 11, 2024
November 13, 2024
Event Category:


3-7 days
Spirituality / Consciousness